Mathematical Communication is a developing collection of resources for engaging students in writing and speaking about mathematics, whether for the purpose of learning mathematics or of learning to communicate as mathematicians.

Schedule and Assignments

[The following schedule is for Steven Kleiman’s 2010 Undergraduate Seminar in Computational Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry, in which the students give the lectures. The main page for this course is here.]

Homework: Problems with numbers between braces ({}) are to be written up formally in TeX and passed in by Thursday of the week after they are assigned; they may be emailed either in TeX form or dvi form directly to the TA.


Date First lecture Second Lecture
1. T. 2/2 Steve Kleiman Sec. 1-1 p.5: 2, {6b} Steve Kleiman Sec. 1-2 p.12: {6}, 8, 10
2. R. 2/4 Student1 Sec. 1-3 p.23: 1,3,4, {11} Student2 Sec. 1-4 p.36: 3b, {9}, 10
3. T. 2/9 Student3 Sec. 1-5 p.46: {9}, 10 Student4 Sec. 2-1,2 p.53: 5; p.60: {2}, 10
4. R. 2/11 Student5 Sec. 2-3 p.68: {1} Student6 Sec. 2-4 p.73: 3, {9}
T. 2/16 MIT Monday — No class
5. R. 2/18 Student7 Sec. 2-5 p.80: {1}, 10 Student8 Sec. 2-6 p.87: 1, {12}
6. T. 2/23 Student9 Sec. 2-7 p.94: 2a, {3a} Student10 Sec. 2-8 p.100: {1}, 7
7. R. 2/25 Student1 Sec. 3-1 p.121: 1, {6} Student2 Sec. 3-2 p.127: {3}, 5
8. T. 3/2 Student3 Sec. 3-3 p.135: 9, {11} Student4 Sec. 3-4 p.148: 4, {10}
9. R. 3/4 Student5 pp.150–153bot p.159: 1, {4} Student6 pp.153bot–159 p.160: 11, {17}
10. T. 3/9 Student7 Sec. 3-6 p.166: {2}, 3, 8 Student8 Sec. 4-1 p.174: 1, {2}
11. R. 3/11 Student9 Sec. 4-2 p.182: 2, {7a} Student10 Sec. 4-3 p.191: 1, {11a-d}
12. T. 3/16 Student1 Sec. 4-4 p.197: {1}, 4 Student2 Sec. 4-5 p.203: 5, {12}
13. R. 3/18 Student3 Sec. 4-6 p.209: 1, {9} Student4 Sec. 5-1 p.221: {8}, 10
3/22-26 Spring Vacation
14. T. 3/30 Student5 Sec. 5-2. Outline due. p.228: 1, 6 Student6 Sec. 5-3 p.237: 6, {8}
15. R. 4/1 Student7 Sec. 5-4 p.247: 8, 9 Student8 Sec. 5-5 p.257: {9}, 10
16. T. 4/6 Student9 Sec. 5-6. First third of paper due. p.264: {5}, 8 Student6 Sec. 6-1,2 p.270: 4; p.277: {4}
17. R. 4/8 Student1 Sec. 6-3 p.287: {3}, 6 Student2 Sec. 6-4 p.305: 9, 13d
18. T. 4/13 Student3 Sec. 6-5. First two-thirds of paper due. p.315: 3, 6a Student4 Sec. 7-1 p.325: {8}, 14
19. R. 4/15 Student5 Sec. 7-2 p.335: 11, 14 Student10 Sec. 7-3 p.343: {5}, 7
T. 4/20 Patriots Day — Vacation
20. R. 4/22 Student7 Sec. 7-4 Full first draft due. p.354: 6, 13 Student8 pp.357–371bot p.375: 4, {7}
21. T. 4/27 Student9 pp.371bot–385. p.385: 5; p.385:{10} Student10 Sec. 8-4 p.391: {2}, 9
22. R. 4/29 Student1 pp.393-400top p.407: 7, {9} Student2 pp.400top-406 p.408: 17, 18
23. T. 5/4 Student3 Sec. 8-6 p.420: 7, 10, {15} Student4 Sec. 9-1 p.443: {2}, 5
24. R. 5/6 Student5 Sec. 9-2 p.453: 3, 12 Student6 Sec. 9-3 p.467: 10, {12}
25. T. 5/11 Student7 Sec. 9-4. Deadline for late homework. p.474: 6, 10 Student8 Sec. 9-5 p.482: 7, 13
26. R. 5/13 Student9 Sec. 9-6 Final draft due. p.493: 13, 17 Student10 Sec. 9-7 p.504: 6, 13


License: CC BY-NC-SA Page content licensed by Steven L Kleiman under the license:
CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike)
