Posts Tagged Algebraic geometry

LaTeX skeleton for journal article

Skeleton for journal articles to be published in M.I.T.’s Undergraduate Journal of Mathematics. The journal is no longer published, but this skeleton is still used in some of M.I.T.’s communication-intensive math classes. Save the style files as mathp2e.sty and thmp2e.sty (remove the final number from each name) and store them in the same folder as the .tex file.

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Article template and guidance

Guidance from Steven Kleiman for how to write a math paper, written for a now defunct writing requirement but with much good general guidance. Because the guidance is written in the form of a journal article, the text file can act as a template for students to use to create their own papers. This zip file includes supporting style files (from M.I.T.’s Undergraduate Journal of Mathematics, no longer in publication). Before use, the extensions for math2e and thmp2e must be changed from .txt to .sty

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Schedule and Assignments

[The following schedule is for Steven Kleiman’s 2010 Undergraduate Seminar in Computational Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry, in which the students give the lectures. The main page for this course is here.] Homework: Problems with numbers between braces ({}) are to be written up formally in TeX and passed in by Thursday of the week after they are assigned; they may be emailed either in TeX form or dvi form directly to the TA.   Assignments Date First lecture Second Lecture 1. T. 2/2 Steve Kleiman Sec. 1-1 p.5: 2, {6b} Steve Kleiman Sec. 1-2 p.12: {6}, 8, 10 2.

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Resources for writing math

[The following notes are from Steven Kleiman’s 2010 Undergraduate Seminar in Computational Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry at MIT. Many of the files below can be downloaded in one zip folder.] Here are some files to help you write mathematics in a way that is more professional in style and format. The following files are the two source files and two compiled versions of the guide, “Writing a Math Phase Two Paper:” piiUJM2.tex || || piiUJM2.dvi || piiUJM2.pdf This guide gives a lot of tips on writing a short math paper, and also serves as a model of one.

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Term Paper

[The following notes are about Steven Kleiman’s 2010 Undergraduate Seminar in Computational Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry, in which the students give the lectures and write a term paper. The main page for this course is here.] The term paper is to be a ten-page essay on a topic related to the course. The goal is for you to learn something new, and to explain it clearly to others in the class, or better, to other upper-class math majors. The paper must be written in a professional style, and formatted in AMS-LaTeX, like the papers in MIT’s Undergraduate Journal of

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